jueves, 25 de enero de 2007

Lo hermoso que es la vida

Lo poco que apreciamos su belleza

Lo mucho que lamentamos nuetras pasajeras penas

Lo mucho de lo que nos privamos

Duele mucho, estar ausente de nuestras propias vidas.
Deprimidos cronicamente, abrazados al silencio, llorando lagrimas en seco y tragandonos toda esa sal. Instalados en la sustancia misma de lo que esta configurada la muerte.

lunes, 22 de enero de 2007


Is so cold today....
I am freezing, I wish my fingers could type faster, and my brain dicate brighter; This weather is freezing my thoughts as well as my blood. I feel slow and sleepy, so sad!!
The most ironic thing is that I was born in winter, and I am just a bear in it.
I love my comfy view spot, from this side of the window. May the winter stay outside while I sleep it throughout and within my bedclothes???
I certainly have to work harder during the good days of summer and spring; I have to stop smelling the roses and drinking the coffee, to work harder and harder, so that I can … one day… bear my winter away!

This kiss

This kiss left me lost and lonely. This kiss has me worn and longing. This kiss cannot be a kiss, but a storm, a wind whir, an earth quake. I dare this kiss to return to me my peace, I dare this kiss to behold its silent bliss, I defy it, confront it but never resist it, I fight it, inflame it but never refuse it.

Funny the color on her face, she’s playing grown up.
She is making her first rehearsal to an opening public today. From these responses she will develop her self esteem all the way to her lifestyle; she will code and decode postures and language too.
A charade will be cleared than this, but is certain as the sun rising in the east.
She is fixing her hair as good as she can, picking the right accessories, placing them on the right place.
What a work art you’ll see if you could appreciate how difficult turns out to become a lady these days.

A prayer

You rebuild the eyes of a man once, Could you rebuild mine?
So that I could see hope through this hopelessness.
So that I could stay, focus on the promises.
When fate is the substance of the things we don’t see, I want to be able to grasp that substance.
I need new eyes, because these of mine are dried out powerless.
I might sound discouraged but I am in need, this used to be more easy before, when my years were young, just a few, is getting remote and distant as time goes by, I wish I could change that.
I do not want to disappoint you or offend you; I have to recognize this before I can reach a higher conscience.

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2007


El gran maestro, fue llamado.
Tubo pocos alumnos, los que han conducido una clase alguna vez sabran que asi es mejor, la calidad es inversamente proporcional a la cantidad, la mayor parte del tiempo.
Ha sido incomprendido y mal interpretado siempre, aunque con muy buenas intenciones.
Es un un gran misterio.

miércoles, 3 de enero de 2007


Soñolienta de día...
lucida de noche...
nocturna por excelencia.
Y malhumorada, algo impredecible, dormilona, amadora de los lácteos.
Desconfiada, asechante, auditiva y distante. A veces fría y apática, otras romántica y sensible.
Felina, impositiva, posesiva y territorial.
Y sobre todo, comportándome todo el tiempo como si tuviera 9 tiempos de vida por vivir; pachorruda a ratos, ágil en otros.
Si tienes alguna duda solo mira como dejo cabellos largos y negros por todos los lugares donde reposo, lo cual odio, ¿Quién dijo que era fácil quitarle un pelo a un gato? ¿Sugirió que era fácil para el gato perderlo?... ¡Incrédulo e ignorante! ¡Lloro por cada uno de ellos!