lunes, 22 de enero de 2007

Funny the color on her face, she’s playing grown up.
She is making her first rehearsal to an opening public today. From these responses she will develop her self esteem all the way to her lifestyle; she will code and decode postures and language too.
A charade will be cleared than this, but is certain as the sun rising in the east.
She is fixing her hair as good as she can, picking the right accessories, placing them on the right place.
What a work art you’ll see if you could appreciate how difficult turns out to become a lady these days.

1 comentario:

Blue Cat dijo...

vaya que es dificil, y entre mas vieja es una, mas trabajo, pero bueno, la vanidad puede ser en ocasiones un bello defecto,siempre y cuando sea en pequena medida ; )