lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

The Universe that refused to dream

I was alone, rare thing... Then I saw it, a tingling shy star far in the distance....
And I saw it and I thought about me.. I remember someone saying than the light we see today is a far old light, that we and the stars are simply not at the same page, not at the same speed and that all we can see today was shinned away, way back before we were even here....
And then I had an idea.. a selfish one... what if this particular star, who, by any chance is been observed by me and by me only, would have second guessing on whether to shine or not....
I am nothing but a Universe who's resisting to expand, to change, to even dream.... that's me right here right now....

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

10 years ago....

I saw him.. ten years later, and I remembered everything by peaces... like time never passed by...
I felt like a dog chasing its tale in front of him, and I realize that no, I didn't have any question...
I thought I did, but I didn't... nothing was relevant anymore....
Although he was a very old man he remain gentile like a child, giving me time to think, to articulate my feelings... he pretended he was looking for a page in his book....
I have never seen such grace in anyone, ever in my life, this was the son of a king, the greatest king of all....

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

nada nuevo

Noticias malas, todas las que leo....
Quisiera leer algo bueno, como una vacuna universal contra el cancer, un viaje a Marte de Ilustracion academica, la paz en medio oriente, largas listas de eatupidos renunciando al poder... Quisiera leer que alguien encontro un nuevo rollo que explique que la religion no es exclusiva de tal o cual grupo y que tu cerebro se hizo para pensar... Quisiera que inventaran un aparato para ver el alma

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Arte nipon

Ahora que Japón sufre, los restos de un terrible temblor, un maremoto, el peligro constante de la exposición a la radiación, y la amenaza nuclear, es que siento particularmente nostálgica al arte que con tal gallardía portan, producen e inspiran.
Mi apoyo moral a esa pequeña isla poblada por gigantes....
Sirvan mis lineas de plegaria...........

Redes sociales

Dicen que conectan....
Pero la gente pierde la capacidad de escuchar con la velocidad del cibernauta mas habilidoso.
Dicen que comunican....
Pero cada vez los medios oficiales de comunicación pierden mas veracidad, lo que hace a la fuente mas popular la única fuente... ningún monopolio es bueno.
Dicen que facilitan los tiempos...
Pero cada vez nos seducen mas con el tiempo virtual y nos dejan menos tempo real.