martes, 12 de enero de 2010

More to live

Sad Sunday, a Great man died, with his firstborn, his wife and his doughter inlaw.... an accident on a helicopter.

Tragedy for what we, the living have lost... Terrible that his father put him into his grave, no father should do that.

I don't know much, but I have the feeling that he is the kind of person, that even when you have never meet, never even cross paths, or not even cross at the street, still has an impact, a meaning. Not because he was on the news, or because of his wealthyness (if that is a word) but because he had made is way to history... The way of this country.

Icon of a side of Mexico that want to succced, that works hard and starts projets... that as an eagle, sets sight on goals and reaches them... He die in the middle of a time when my Country is having a Drug war... nobody ask for it, but it was inminent, but nobody really carries the white flag either... we read about kiddnapping every day... we are adding and adding blood after blood in the countdoun of victims and volunteers of these soo called war... some of us want to bealive that we are free to go to work, but I am to know that not even the elementary school ground is sacred to this people, when good and evil can and will, wear the same uniform... I feel that he did not die for himself... a side of my Country dies along.

I am sad, beyond the tears, hopeless will be the most accured word, this in despite of his good example. A life a courage and honest work, values and love for his family. A life of desition and action.

His ultimate lessons to me, will be that a Good Mexican is a Good Father, a Good son and a Good husband... A family man. That this country has a future only if we go back to the very basics... Family first, Country second and Good above everything.

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